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BladeRunner AIO Table of Contents G. Detailed Install and Setup - BladeRunner Hardware 1. Table I/O card a. Card location in the BladeRunner b. Making the wiring connections 2. The Charge Pump (CP) 3. E-STOP and it’s variants a. EPO jumper on Table I/O b. Power on Detection c. Hardware E-STOP Options 4. Setup and testing INPUTS - HOMES a. Z axis setup and testing (required for DTHC) b. Optional XY & A homes c. Other inputs 5, Setup and Testing INPUTS - LIMITS 6. Setup and Testing OUTPUTS a. How Outputs work in the BladeRunner b. Things that trigger an output b. Testing OUTPUTs H.. Final system checkout 1. Bringing it all together a, Final Motion Test b. Doing an “Air Cut” CandCNC Page 6 A TOC
BladeRunner AIO QUIK START BLADERUNNER AIO CandCNC QUIK - START FOR THOSE THAT HAVE PRIOR INSTALL EXPERIENCE OR THAT DON’T NEED OR WANT DETAILED MANUALS, THE FOLLOWING PAGE WILL GIVE YOU A QUICK SETUP CHECKLIST. The pages that follow that are a logical and detailed setup guide. Your chances for success are greatly enhanced if you follow the detailed manual in the order it is written. A PART II Manual is a SERVICE MANUAL with card level details and diagnostic tools to help you narrow down the possible cause. Most issues are resolved from either reloading the BladeRunner INSTALL to return all of the settings to default, or from checking cables and connections. All Content Copyrighted 2008-2013 The owner of the equipment covered by this manual is authorized to make copies (electronic or printed) of this manual for their personal use (only), as long as this original copyright notice is included “Owner” is defined as the person in legal possession of the equipment . No excerpts or reproductions are authorized for any other use without written permission from FourHillsDesign/CandCNC. For media reviews please contact CandCNC for permission to use any photos or text from this manual Page 7 B