How Bereavement Flights Work on Most Major Airlines

Sam Tetrault, BA in English


Sam Tetrault, BA in English

Learn how to get bereavement flight discounts on all major airlines in the US, including Delta, United, American Airlines, JetBlue, and more.

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Losing a loved one is hard. Nobody wants to think about the planning and organization needed after the death of a loved one. When someone you love passes away, you often need to fly to attend the wake or the funeral . Since these are unexpected flights, you’re not able to plan your travel in advance. Last-minute flights are costly, but luckily you have options.

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Several airlines offer discounts for bereavement flights. These flight fares make this time a little less expensive. If you’re trying to get a bereavement flight, you need to know what airlines offer these discounts. And, there are specific policies to know before searching for a bereavement flight.

What Are Bereavement Fares?

A bereavement fare is a special discount offered specifically for someone who’s experienced a recent loss. Because you can’t predict when you’ll lose someone, these flights are often purchased last minute. This means they’re more expensive than airfare you can plan in advance.

To ease this burden, many airlines offer bereavement fares. This can be in the form of a flat-rate discount, coupon, lower price, and so on. Each airline has its own bereavement policies. In most cases, the airline waves fees like last-minute cancellation, changing your flight destination, and so on.

It’s understood that traveling for a funeral, to visit a dying loved one, or to support a grieving family member is challenging enough. A bereavement flight makes this difficult time a little bit easier.

Do Airlines Still Offer Bereavement Fares?

Unfortunately, most airlines don’t offer simplified, low-cost bereavement fares. This is a reality of the changing travel industry. Though travel as a whole has become more affordable, bereavement fares are a thing of the past for the most part. While you can explore the airlines that still offer some bereavement fare in the list below, these have strict requirements and might not be the best deal.

In the past, bereavement fares were a common option for last-minute travel. As the overall air travel price has decreased, these flexible options have gone away. However, don’t let that scare you off from last-minute bereavement flights.

It’s possible to find low-cost fares if you know where to look, and you might not have to pay any extra fees or change costs if you need flexibility. The more you’re familiar with online booking options, travel savings, and perk programs, the more success you’ll have with bereavement fares.

How Do Bereavement Flights Work?

Because most people only have experience booking travel the “traditional” way (online, in advance), it’s not always clear how bereavement flights work. Though most US-based airlines have ended their bereavement fares in 2014 , you can still find low-cost deals and flights with a bit of know-how.

How do these flights work? They’re typically policies the company has specifically for those who experienced a recent loss or need to travel last minute for a family emergency. However, you won’t find these discounts online through typical travel websites. Instead, you will need to call the airline directly.

If you’re looking to purchase a bereavement flight, follow these steps:

If possible, it’s best to shop around and have a plan in place before you need a bereavement fare. That’s why this guide is so useful, even if you’re not currently planning any last-minute travel. Each airline has its own policy and procedure for deciding how these flights work, what they cost, and what you need to show to purchase a flight.

Are Bereavement Fares Typically the Best Price?

Before we explain the different bereavement flights offered by major airlines, let’s talk about price. In general, bereavement fares might not actually be the best price. While you should certainly check into bereavement flight offerings, it’s still likely that you’ll find a better deal on a travel website.

Travel platforms that find last-minute deals and discounts might offer more savings compared to purchasing your ticket through a major airline directly. In most cases, it’s a good idea to shop around if you can. It’s important to note that the price listed online might not be the lowest-cost option. You might have additional flexibility if you call the airline.

Ultimately, the only way to find the best deal is to check multiple options before making arrangements. If you’re a member of any rewards program or have existing airline miles, this is likely the best route.

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Major Airlines That Offer Bereavement Flights & Their Policies

Unfortunately, not all airlines offer bereavement flights. Even those who do often have strict policies to secure these fares. Bereavement flights are last-minute or even walk-up bookings. Thankfully, some airlines assist mourning passengers with low-cost or discounted tickets. Let’s review the major airlines that offer bereavement flights as well as their policies.

Airline policies change frequently. When in doubt, contact the airline directly for their latest policy information as well as any evidence needed.

How to Get Bereavement Flight Discounts

Now that you’re familiar with the policies, it’s time to book a flight. Again, each airline has its own policy and qualifications. The more prepared you are, the better equipped you’ll be to handle this booking process. Booking travel is stressful under the best of circumstances. It’s especially tricky if you’re also dealing with a death in the family.

Who qualifies for bereavement flights?

Under airlines that offer bereavement flights, not everyone qualifies. For the most part, these airlines only offer discounted fares to “immediate family.” Each airline has its own definition of immediate family, but it generally includes:

Check with the individual airline to determine what they consider immediate family. Some are more flexible than others.

Can bereavement flights be international?

Some bereavement flight fares are for international flights. This is up to the discretion of the airline. In general, it’s much easier to get approved for a low-cost ticket for a domestic flight than an international flight. The same is true for flights within the same continent, such as the U.S. and Canada. For more remote areas, such as Alaska or the Hawaiian Islands, options are limited.

How do I book a bereavement flight?

Your first step is to contact the airline. Most airlines require these fairs to be secured through a phone representative. It isn’t usually possible to purchase a bereavement flight through an online portal. Don’t use a third-party travel website for your bookings.

When talking to a representative, ask what options are available for those traveling for family emergencies. They’ll be able to walk you through your next steps. Most airlines will ask you to submit some form of evidence, especially if you’ll need to apply for a waiver.

What evidence do airlines accept?

If your airline is requesting some form of evidence to qualify for a waiver or reduced-cost fare, you might be wondering what qualifies. The airline itself should suggest acceptable forms of evidence, but it’s common to include:

These policies vary widely depending on the airline. As always, contact your airline to determine your eligibility for your fare.

Tips for Booking Bereavement Flights

Finally, it’s important to note that bereavement flights are tricky. With so many different policies offered by airlines, how do you know you’re getting a good deal? Knowing what to expect at a funeral is stressful enough. Adding travel details into the planning process makes the situation more stressful. Try these tips below when booking bereavement flights.

Price check multiple carriers

Don’t choose the first flight you find. Making a phone call to a few different airlines is the best way to land a better discount. If you don’t even have time for that, visit the airport directly and check multiple counters.

Book a non-stop flight

Airlines are quick to encourage those looking for low-cost deals to book multi-stop flights. While a layover might be fine on a regular vacation, this isn’t the place to gamble with bookings. A non-stop service is the best way to ensure you make it to any funeral or family member on time. When time is of the essence, don’t risk booking a trip with layovers.

Find third-party deals

For the carriers that do offer a discount for emergencies, these discounts are usually limited. If you shop through a third-party booking service such as Expedia or Orbitz, you might actually find a better deal. These services often include last-minute discounts for flights purchased only a few days out (or less).

Just because you can get a bereavement discount doesn’t mean you should . Low-cost carriers or third-party travel booking platforms usually have better discounts overall, though these flights will be less flexible.

Use frequent flier miles

It’s a good idea to join frequent flier programs for airlines you use often. Not only will this give you more sway with airlines during emergencies, but you also might be able to use them to book free or low-cost flights. Some airlines even allow you to book any open seat on any flight with flier miles alone.

Consider alternative forms of travel

Finally, if you’re unable to find a cost that works for you, look for other types of travel. Renting a car, booking a train ticket, or carpooling with other family members cuts down on the overall cost. While this might take longer, the added time could be worth the savings.

It pays to be creative when it comes to travel. Since time is often over the essence, don’t waste moments going back and forth with airlines. Driving, though more time consuming, allows much greater freedom.

Where Can You Book Bereavement Flights?

With that in mind, where can you book bereavement flights for last-minute travel? There are some travel options specifically designed for those looking for last-minute deals. Since you don’t usually have much prep time for these arrangements, it’s good to know your options.

The airline

First, your airline of choice is the most direct way to book bereavement flights. This might be the most expensive in some cases, but it’s also the most straightforward. You might have to pay a premium price for a last-minute ticket, but you don’t have to worry about jumping through too many hoops. You can book directly on the airline’s website or by contacting a representative over the phone.

Travel website

Another option is to use a third-party travel website like Expedia or Priceline. These compile a variety of airlines on a single results page, helping you explore your best options. However, it’s difficult to get customer service through a third-party service. This is why choosing your flight is recommended and booking directly through the airline.

Google Flights

Google’s new Flight tool makes it easy to compare flight options without using a formal travel website. The benefit of Google’s platform is that you can keep your plans flexible. You can explore travel prices by flight date, allowing flexibility if you’re unsure what day is best to travel. This can make a big difference when planning a last-minute flight for yourself or your loved ones.

Last-minute deals

Finally, a specific last-minute search platform might be the right way to snag a quick deal. For example, Go Last Minute specifies last-minute travel, including hotel, flights, and car rentals. With flights starting from $44, you can find just about anything here. Traveler beware, though, that you might have a lengthy layover to get the best deal.

Frequently Asked Questions: Bereavement Flights

Bereavement flights aren’t something people take very often, so it’s normal to have questions about the process. If you’re unsure how to consider a bereavement flight, you’re in the right place. Here are some of the most frequently asked questions about bereavement flights.

What happens to a plane ticket when the ticket holder dies?

Though unusual, sometimes the plane ticket passenger dies before they use their ticket. When this happens, what happens to the ticket? The good news is that this flight doesn’t usually go to waste. In most cases, the airline will completely refund the ticket. This is true even for nonrefundable tickets.

Because the airline can resell this seat, they don’t usually lose any funds from this disruption. It’s in their best interest to help the family in need and refund the ticket as an act of good faith. That being said, this process will need to be started on the family’s side. Contacting the airline to notify them of the death and your request for a refund is the best first step.

In some cases, the ticket can be transferred to someone else, like a family member. This might be a better option if you’re hoping to use the flight credit to cover last-minute travel or honor your loved one with a trip. When in doubt, talk to your airline about your options.

What if you need to cancel or change your bereavement flight?

Next, what if you need to cancel or change a bereavement flight? Since this usually happens last minute, it can be tricky to know what to do if you need to change a flight suddenly. Airlines will usually waive last-minute change fees if you're traveling for bereavement. We are also in the golden age of travel flexibility, and many airlines are doing away with these fees altogether.

However, when changing a bereavement flight, you should always check with your chosen airline. This can’t always be done online or through a third-party provider. Instead, contact your airline directly to see what options are available. You might need to show proof of your loved one’s death, but you shouldn’t have to worry about fees.

If you have to cancel your bereavement flight outright, you might not get a full refund. However, these fees can almost always be transferred for credit in the future. This is something you can gift to a loved one or apply towards a future flight.

Can multiple family members book bereavement flights together?

When traveling for a bereavement flight, it’s common to travel as a group with other family members. If you’re traveling with loved ones, you can book several flights at once. The only way to get the bereavement fare is by contacting a travel representative directly. From there, let the agent know you wish to book a last-minute bereavement flight for a group.

In most cases, you’ll have better luck if you’re flexible. Depending on the timeline, it might not be possible to fit the entire party on a single flight. In these cases, see if flights are available on the same day or on different airlines. Sometimes you have to get creative to get to your destination on time, especially when you’re acting on short notice.

The Reality of Bereavement Flights

While bereavement flights sound great in theory, they’re not always effective in practice. More and more airlines are doing away with these discounts altogether. Today, the main focus on bereavement costs is to allow you flexibility when making travel plans. They don’t always get you the best rate.

Last-minute travel is always stressful. If possible, look towards alternatives to taking a bereavement flight. The push and pull from airlines is a challenge in itself. This isn’t something you want to deal with at a time of crisis. While some airlines do offer discounts for those facing an emergency, it isn’t always worth it. Looking for other discounts and deals outside of bereavement might be your best option.

  1. “Bereavement Fares.” Delta: Special .
  2. Hoeller, Sophie-Claire. “Here’s the difference between a nonstop and direct flight.” Business Insider. 15 September 2015. .
  3. Trainer, Paul. “Everything You Need to Know About Bereavement Flights with Skyscanner.” Skyscanner. 18 April 2019. .
  4. Quirk, Mary Beth. “What Happens to Your Plane Ticket When There’s a Death In the Family?” Consumer